History & Lore

The name Aquamarine comes from latin words aqua, meaning "water" and marina, meaning "of the sea" Aquamarine is believed to be a lucky talisman, protecting sailors from rough waters as well as seasickness.

According to Greek legend, Aquamarine was first considered to be a stone of the Sirens. Sailors and fishermen used it to protect themselves against the perilous "Siren call". In Roman tradition, Aquamarine was considered to be a gemstone of Neptune, god of the sea. A Roman man would present his bride with Aquamarine as a wedding gift to invoke love. Today, it is considered the appropriate stone to give a spouse on the 19th wedding anniversary, as it is said to rekindle lost marital love.

What can aquamarine do for you?

Aquamarine helps you to fully accept who you are. Giving yourself permission to honor all the different parts of you-the parts you love, and even the parts you don't, is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. When you feel yourself leaning toward self-judgment, Aquamarine reminds you to open your heart and treat yourself with kindness. Its energy, like its color, is gentle and soothing. If you tend to be hard on yourself, Aquamarine teaches you how to go easier so you can be more loving and compassionate with yourself.

One of the first steps on the journey toward self-acceptance is to bring awarness to those toughts and behaviors that come between you and you hability to accept yourself. Aquamarine brings light to the ways in which you judge, mistreat, or criticize yourself. Its tranquil, calming energy helps to wash away the critical toughts and inner commentary that prevent you from accepting yourself wholeheartedly.

Work with Aquamarine to eliminate thoughts that threaten you self-acceptance and replace them with one that affirm who you are. Instead of putting yourself down, it encourages you to lift yourself up. Own who you are. Be at home with yourself. Embrace your unique and beautiful qualities. Let Aquamarine give you the greatest gift you can give yourself: accepting who you are.

Beacause Aquamarine holds the fluid energy of water, it encourages you to embrace its nature and remain fluid with yourself. You are ever changing, which means that you must continually accept who you are in every stage of your life. Who you are today might not be the same as you will be tomorrow. Use the fluidity and flexibility of this stone to give yourself the space and the permission to evolve, and to embrace during the highs and the lows. Aquamarine encourages you to accept yourself fully today, tomorrow, and every day of your life.


 Crystal Intention


Crystal Practice

1.         Hold your Aquamarine in your non writing hand

2.         While holding your Aquamarine, write down any self- critical thoughts that keep you from fully accepting yourself. be honest and let your feelings come out on paper.

3.         Without reading what your wrote, rip your paper into tiny pieces and throw it away

4.         Hold you Aquamarine over your heart and visualize the energy of Aquamarine washing away all your self-criticism and filling that space up with self-acceptance.

5.         As you hold your Aquamarine over your heart, say out loud, "I accept who I am today and every day", 6 times.

6.         Carry Aquamarine in your bra, pocket, purse or as a jewel throughout the day as a gentle reminder to accept yourself.

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