According to Chinese Metaphysics 2022 is a very important year.

The date of the 18 February is exceptional because its kickstart powerful energies. The main goal is to align with these energies.

So, it’s very important to reassess all our goals, define new strategies, let go of whatever is not serving us. We need to grow.

At The Good Luck Jewelry, we strongly believe that our mindset is powerful, that we need to live consciously daily. We encourage women to buy something valuable, to invest in something meaningful that bring awareness, that is a constant reminder of their new growth, beauty, strength, and power.

When you wear an auspicious jewelry, it will be a subtle reminder that help you focus and make you aware of your goals, wellbeing, and your desires. You will make a better decision because you know that you are on the right path. You will never give up; you will not be distracted.

Since knowing that there is a massive change happening energetically, if you are looking to purchase something meaningful, you can choose among our collection of powerful symbols and start wearing it that day.


Infinity Knot: This fabulous symbol one of the eight auspicious in Buddhism is also called the endless knot. It means endless, love, endless power, continuous Good Luck. It brings everlasting happiness.

 7 stars path: The pendant represents the Big Dipper and in the Taoist practice the North star and the Big Dipper are connected. Wearing the pendant will help you achieve a clarity of mind. A clear mind will help you to focus better in achieving your goals. It will remind you about your spiritual growth and to always keep your body healthy to attain longevity.

Tree of Life:  The tree represents growth. The tree unites Heaven and Earth. The tree is cherished in almost all cultures. This symbol will empower you with strength and vitality. It will remind you that you need to take care of yourself on all levels, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Flower of life: Powerful symbol of sacred geometry. Wearing it will help you to connect to your inner self, to help you heal on all levels. You will let go of all your frustrations, illusions, and anger. It will remind you constantly that peace of mind and harmony is within your reach.

Hand of Fatima: The symbol of strength and power. It’s a great talisman for protection. Wearing the hand will be a constant reminder that you can achieve your goals with grace and power. You believe in the forces of the Universe/God and that Good Luck is on your side.

Hum: One of the most powerful symbols in Buddhism. Lot of mantras end with the sound Hum. It’s a great protector, it helps you purify your emotions and get rid of hatred. It’s a beautiful symbol of wish fulfilling. You are your own master.

OM: Perfect representation of our body, mind, and speech. It will remind you to take care of them by having a good body, a positive mind, and a gentle and kind speech. Then you will be a magnet that attract beautiful people.

Sun and Star: Perfect symbol of the Yin and Yang of our Universe. It will help you cultivate these two aspects in your Life, one can’t exist without the other. We added the heart and the infinity symbol. It’s with the heart that we attain our balance and it’s an eternal beginning.

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